January 10 - Committee Meeting
January 17 - Open Evening with films, quiz, raffle and refreshments for family & friends.
January 31 - AGM - It is important that all members attend as the survival of the club will certainly be discussed.
February 14 - Howard will introduce and demonstrate DaVinci Resolve 18 (Blackmagic Design) editing software to the members.
February 21 - Committee meeting (cancelled)
March - 6 - First half of the evening will be filming a short story so please bring your cameras and then Howard will use that footage to continue with part 2 of DaVinci Resolve 18 editing software.
March 20 - Committee Meeting
April - 3 - Filming "UNEXPLAINED" a script written by Ian Marriott. Please bring your cameras we need at least 3. We also need
3 members to play the parts of 2 detectives and 1 suspect.
May - 8 - We are going to do a one take movie. Rob Malbon to direct. Again, please bring your cameras.
June - 5 - Outside filming at Wickham, weather permitting, meet in square 6.30pm.
June - 26 - Committee meeting held at Ian Marriot's house.
July - No Club
August - No Club
September - 4 - Show any films made at the club this year or filmed during the summer break plus LUCKY DIP entries choose
either Transport, Clouds, Wildlife or Statues.
October - 2 - CHANGE OF PROGRAMME - Scriptwriting evening:
The plan is to watch a couple of short films giving some ideas on writing scripts and then break into four groups, each with a chairman, to create short scripts.
These should be able to be filmed on a club evening in our location so - In a bar, in a stairwell, in a commercial kitchen in a large room, with a green screen, in a car park etc. PLEASE come along with some initial thoughts, it's up to us all to make these evenings as good as we can! SO, come on chaps, let's see just how creative we can be, after all we ARE a VIDEO CLUB !!!!!
November - 6 - "The News" filming of SoMo news desk.
December - 4 - Open Evening with films, quiz, raffle and refreshments for family & friends.
The Committee
Stuart Hillier Howard Blake Roger Brenton (Secretary/Treasurer) Rob Malbon Ian Marriott |